What do ghosts and cats have in common? They’ll both knock objects off shelves and countertops when you’re not looking. They’ll both hide in your closet and be impossible to find when you’re looking for them. And they’ll both exhibit bizarre behavior that you’ll never truly understand!

If you’re a cat owner who has seen your furry friend do some strange things, you’re not alone, pandas. Below, we’ve gathered some of our favorite photos from the What’s Wrong With Your Cat subreddit featuring kitties that appear to be malfunctioning. Keep reading to find conversations with Cathrine Garnell, the woman behind the Bionic Basil & the B Team blog, and Rita Reimers, Co-Founder and Cat Behavior Trainer at Cat Behavior Alliance. And be sure to upvote the kitties that you consider purrfect, regardless of how odd they act!


She Had A Rough Day And Suddenly Deactivated

She Had A Rough Day And Suddenly Deactivated

ShenroEU Report

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karmore333 avatar
Jane No Dough
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10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I feel you kitty, exactly how I feel every day after work!

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To learn more about how often kitties exhibit behavior that might cause their owners to raise their eyebrows, we reached out to cat lover Cathrine Garnell. Cathrine, who was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda, runs the Bionic Basil & the B Team blog, which covers all sorts of cat content, including feline enrichment tips, hacks and ideas, cat wellness, book reviews, crafting with cats, coloring with cats, product reviews, fashion with felines, brain training with cats and more.

"I have heard stories of cats doing bizarre things, such as climbing up walls or curtains, chasing their tails, and even playing fetch like dogs," Cathrine shared. "Melvyn went through a phase of playing fetch when he was much younger. I suppose it all depends on the cat’s personality and their individual quirks."

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Drama Queen

Drama Queen

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isaacharvey81 avatar
Isaac Harvey
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10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

“I’ve been without food and water for 5 minutes! Please save me!”

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Cathrine says she notices things daily that The B Team does that might seem odd but are perfectly normal for cats. "For instance, Melvyn and his zoomies take place around 10:45pm every night, though we know of cats who like to engage in the zoomie-zone in the small hours between 1am and3 am, and this is perfectly normal behavior."


"Also, Melvyn is very vocal and is obsessed with one particular toy; it’s a wand toy with a little white unicorn with a bell," she continued. "Melvyn knows where this toy is kept, and he starts asking for it the minute we’ve finished dinner and will run back and forth to the draw where the unicorn is. He even tries to pull on the drawer if we’re too slow getting there."


Sleepy Cat Is Very Sleepy

Sleepy Cat Is Very Sleepy

AuDisco Report


I Found Him Like This On The Cat Tree… I Don’t Even Know…

I Found Him Like This On The Cat Tree… I Don’t Even Know…

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"Luckily, in my 25+ years of cat guardianship, the most bizarre thing I’ve probably encountered is Fudge’s love of getting on the roof," Cathrine told Bored Panda. "He likes to scale the tree in the courtyard and walk along the single-story ridge, then peer down onto the main street below. Many times I’ve heard the ‘oooh's and ahhhhh’s’ of walkers passing by who’ve noticed him and his ginormous tail perched atop the roof."


"On one particular day, a family with young children were walking by when a little girl saw him and squealed with delight, then boldly declared, 'Daddy, I want that ginger cat!' All the while, I’m trying to lure him from his favorite spot with a bag of Dreamies!" the cat expert shared.


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Caught In The Act Of Attacking A Roll Of Toilet Paper

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The Tables Have Turned

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We also asked Cathrine how cat owners know whether their kitty's behavior is cause for concern or not. "While every cat is different and may exhibit unique behaviors, there are certain signs to look for that may indicate a problem," she says.

"For example, if your cat suddenly becomes lethargic, stops eating or drinking, or displays aggressive behavior, it could be a sign that something is wrong," Cathrine explained. "On the other hand, if your cat is simply exhibiting behaviors that are typical of their breed or personality, there may be no cause for concern. Ultimately, it’s essential to know your cat well and to seek immediate advice from a veterinarian if you have any concerns about their behavior."


Someone's Mad

Someone's Mad

ili_aciglo Report

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karmore333 avatar
Jane No Dough
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10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Mad as hell, wish I had the guts to do this in public. I guess kitty doesn't have a rest room to hide in.

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Showing Off Her Best Jeff Goldblum Impression

Showing Off Her Best Jeff Goldblum Impression

DIRIGOer Report


Cathrine also shared some advice for new cat owners who aren't well-versed in understanding their pet's body language yet. "Cats have unique personalities, and their behavior can vary depending on their age, breed, and upbringing. Sometimes, cats exhibit strange behavior when they are stressed, anxious, or bored. In such cases, providing them with toys, scratching posts, and playtime can help alleviate their anxiety and boredom," she explained.

"Additionally, it’s essential to provide your cat with a comfortable environment, including a clean litter box, fresh water, crunchies/kibble for in-between meal snacks (unless your kitty is on a diet), and a cozy bed," Cathrine added. "If the cat’s behavior continues to be concerning, it’s best to consult a veterinarian or a cat behaviorist to address the issue."


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Groomed To Death By His Brother

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Cathrine also says it’s important to recognize that cats can display a wide range of behaviors which are considered normal. "Some cats may be more active and vocal, while others may be more laid-back and prefer to spend most of their time sleeping," she shared. "However, it’s important to understand that what is considered “normal” behavior can vary based on a number of factors, including breed, age, and individual personality."


"If you notice any sudden or drastic changes in your cat’s behavior, it’s important to take note and consult with your veterinarian," Cathrine says. "Sudden changes in behavior, such as increased aggression, excessive vocalization, or sudden lethargy, can be signs of underlying medical issues that require attention. It’s also important to recognize that certain behaviors, while common in cats, may not be considered 'normal' or acceptable in certain situations."

"For example, scratching furniture or other household items is a natural behavior for cats, but it can be destructive and cause damage to your home," she explained. "In these cases, it’s crucial to provide appropriate scratching posts and training to redirect your cat’s behavior."


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Full Time Cat. Part Time Gargoyle

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"If your cat’s behavior is causing harm to themselves or others, or for instance, they are not using the litter box and are toileting around the home, it’s vital to seek professional help from a qualified animal behaviorist," Cathrine told Bored Panda. "They can work with you to identify the underlying or trigger cause of the behavior and create a tailored plan to address the issue. With patience, consistency, and proper training, many behavior issues in cats can be successfully resolved."

If you'd like to hear more wise words about the wonderful world of cats from Cathrine, or hear more stories about her kitties, be sure to visit the Bionic Basil & the B Team blog!

To gain an even deeper understanding of our cats' curious behavior, we also got in touch with Rita Reimers, Co-Founder and Cat Behavior Trainer at Cat Behavior Alliance. Rita shared that she's used to most of the weird behaviors her cats exhibit at this point, but they can still surprise her from time to time.


"The zoomies at dusk are a fun one," she told Bored Panda. "Cats naturally get the urge to hunt at dusk and dawn. Your cat may be lazy all day and all of a sudden it looks like the cat got injected with mega caffeine! Sometimes we see our cats staring at a spot on the wall. We see nothing, but they apparently see things we don't!"

"On the flip side, especially with new cat owners, people are often surprised to see just how much cats sleep," Rita added. "We got lots of calls during the pandemic with people asking if it is normal for cats to sleep all day. Yes, it is. People just never noticed it before we were all in lockdown."

Rita noted that a cat's behavior can be dependent on their breed as well. "We often get people who assume a cat is a cat. Then they adopt a beautiful Bengal because they are so pretty! If they aren't prepared for a cat this close to his wild roots, the cat destroys their home because Bengals are a super high energy breed who need lots of stimulation," the expert explained. "So it is wise to know as much as you can about the breed before adopting."


Rita also wants cat owners to understand their specific kitty's behavior. "If your normally social cat is isolating, or your normally isolating cat is meowing at you constantly, they might need a vet visit," she says. "Cats who normally inhale their food but are suddenly turning to grazers or grazers who are wolfing their food down... Alarm bells! Any behavior change is cause for concern and investigation."

When it comes to understanding a new cat, Rita encourages anyone who is adopting to get as much info about the cat's past as possible. "If this cat has been through trauma or was out on the streets, they will carry that with them, just as we carry trauma from years past," she explained.

"Also, Google can be your friend here. Don't ask for medical advice but, for example, a client wrote in and said his cat was sucking on a blanket and drooling while kneading. Now that's purrrrfectly okay and is common," Rita says. "I would bet that cat got separated from mom too soon and didn't get it all out. But this human had never seen it before, so it was odd. A quick Google for 'is it normal for cats to suck on blankets' will show you it is actually quite common."


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Why Are Cats Always Weirdos When In The Bathroom

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I Already Wanted To Beat You Up Bro

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"Weird behavior can be a physical condition, but it can also be behavioral," Rita told Bored Panda. "Vet check first, and then if it's an issue, contact a behaviorist. A lot of weirdness comes from cats being bored and needing more enrichment. Just ask Linda's cat who got stuck in the chimney," Rita added with a smile. "If that cat isn't kept occupied, he is a menace!"

If you'd like to gain more guidance about taking care of cats from Rita, Linda and the rest of the Cat Behavior Alliance team, be sure to visit their website!


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Terrifying Sight When You Are Just Trying To Take A Bath

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How I Found Him Napping Behind The Sofa

How I Found Him Napping Behind The Sofa

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We hope you're enjoying scrolling through all of these silly and adorable pics of kitties, pandas. Keep upvoting the ones that you find most hilarious, and let us know in the comments if your cats have ever done anything that made you think they were malfunctioning. And if you're interested in seeing even more of these pics, you can check out Bored Panda's last article featuring the same subreddit right here!


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This Is Hilarious... Angry Boy

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Why Does She Sit On My Lap Like This?

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She's Getting Weirder By The Minute

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tabitha_1 avatar
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10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

All the best and most memorable cats in your life are going to be the weird little clowns.

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Mendy. 100% Certified Goofball

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Something Is Wrong With Him... I Just Can’t Quite Put My Finger On It

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yvettesherman avatar
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10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't think you got all the parts with this one. Better call the manufacturer.

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traceyattwood avatar
Fraxinus excelsior
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10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's the just about to leave you the furball/undigested food pile for you to clean up face.

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A Very Comfortable Sleeping Position, Don’t You Think?

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Yawn Stretch On The Hutch

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Belly Pouch Is In The Way

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mechanician avatar
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10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Loose skin is not a bug. It's a feature. If a cat is caught by a larger predator or loses a fight with another tomcat, they can twist inside their own skin to counterattack and escape. It's also, of course, useful for mama cats who need to move young kittens without restricting their airways.

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Why He Do That

Why He Do That

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viccig avatar
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10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's like sticking one leg out from the covers so you don't overheat

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1 Bed, 3 Couches In This House. Bethany’s Preferred Sleeping Spot, The Cable Box

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Note: this post originally had 80 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.

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